Bibaniada de fete – Women’s bass fishing competition in Mila 23
La Mila 23, veți descoperi pescărițe care stăpânesc arta pescuitului cu lanseta, acompaniate de alte pasionate de pescuit din toată țara, la Bibaniada – singurul concurs feminin de pescuit la biban din România.
Ivan Patzaichin Museum – Making Of
The Ivan Patzaichin Museum stands out not only as a new tourist attraction in the Danube Delta but also as a remarkable example of adaptation to the local architectural style and the use of natural materials.
Buldings of the Ivan Patzaichin Museum are ready
The Ivan Patzaichin – Mila 23 Association announces the completion and reception of the buildings hosting the Ivan Patzaichin Museum in Mila 23, Danube Delta – his birthplace.