The museum is open from Wednesday to Sunday from 12:30 to 7pm.

Museum Ivan Patzaichin in Mila 23 opens its doors

Starting today, the Museum Ivan Patzaichin – Community Innovation Center, is open to the public. It is located in Mila 23, in the Danube Delta, the birthplace of the great Romanian canoe champion from 1967 to 1984.

Today, in the presence of a large audience, and under the patronage of the Romanian National Commission for UNESCO, the Museum Ivan Patzaichin – Community Innovation Center was inaugurated. The institution aims to become a model of community involvement in establishing sustainable development strategies that prioritize cultural and natural heritage, in consultation with community members. The idea of a community innovation center was initially conceived and refined along with Ivan Patzaichin himself, considering his urge to give back to his hometown as much as he received in the early years of his life, from the community in which he grew up: respect for work, integrity, the desire to be the best, and a sense of responsibility for one’s actions.

Over 250 participants attended the inauguration. The event was hosted by Georgiana Patzaichin, Ivan’s wife, Ivona Potzaichin-Rusu and Teodor Frolu, the president and vice-president of the Ivan Patzaichin – Mila 23 Association, and the initiators of the Museum project. Among the guests who honored us with their presence, we mention:

  • Raluca Turcan, Minister of Culture
  • Sergiu Nistor, Presidential Advisor – Department of Culture, Cults, and National Minorities
  • László Borbély, State Counselor at the Prime Minister’s Office and coordinator of the Department for Sustainable Development within the General Secretariat of the Government
  • Liviu Jicman, President of the Romanian Cultural Institute
  • Paul Dujardin, General Commissioner for Heritage in the Brussels region, president of Europa Nostra Belgium
  • Ciprian Ștefan, General Manager ASTRA National Museum Complex
  • Horia Teodorescu, President of the Tulcea County Council
  • Ștefan Ilie, Mayor of Tulcea Municipality
  • Silviu Florin Rahău, Mayor of Crișan commune (comprising the villages of Crișan, Caraorman, Mila 23)

Și multiplii campioni olimpici și mondiali:

  • Elisabeta Lipă, President of the National Sports Agency (ANS)
  • Mihai Covaliu, President of the Romanian Olympic and Sports Committee (COSR)
  • Laura Badea, member of the Executive Committee of COSR
  • Toma Simionov, double gold medalist at the Olympic Games and Ivan’s partner in double canoe
  • Maria Cosma, gold at the Los Angeles Olympic Games
  • Vasile Tomoiagă, double silver medalist at the Los Angeles Olympic Games and silver at the Seul Olympic Games
  • Nicușor Eșeanu, silver at the Moscova Olympic Games
  • Elena Fidatov, Gheorghe Andriev, Antrop Varabiev, Daniel Stoian, Florin Marinescu, Ciprian Popa, Loredan Popa and Constantin Obreja.

The ceremony for the decorations awarded by His Excellency, the President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, at the proposal of the Ministry of Culture, was part of the events. The decorations were awarded to Mrs. Zaharia Florica, Doctor of Visual Arts, Emeritus Conservator at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, founder of the Museum of Textiles in Băița, and Mr. Teodor Frolu, architect and entrepreneur in creative industries and sustainable development. Mrs. Zaharia was decorated with the Order of ‘Cultural Merit’ in the rank of ‘Knight,’ and Mr. Frolu received the Order of ‘Cultural Merit’ in the rank of Knight, Category I – ‘Architecture.’

The Ministry of Culture has designated the Museum as the first New European Bauhaus ambassador in Romania. The New European Bauhaus (NEB) is a new movement proposed by the European Commission, which promotes three fundamental European values: creativity, sustainability, and community.

Additionally, the Museum received the Zero Waste pre-certification distinction for a restored building, as an institution that adopts the sustainability standards established by the ZERO WASTE – RESTORE BUILDING certification system.

During the same ceremony, Romfilatelia announced the release of the philatelic issue ‘The Ivan Patzaichin Museum – Mila 23’, and presented the Museum with the perforated souvenir sheet, postage stamp, ‘first-day’ cover, and maximum postcard, products available to stamp collectors

The construction occupies the site of Ivan’s parents’ former house, incorporating building elements from it, while using sustainable materials (wood, hemp, reed), as a model of green building practices, aligned with the local characteristics of the Delta. 

The building complex consists of an 18-metre-high Observation Tower, a Pavilion for cultural, artistic, educational, and community-building activities, an area dedicated to Danube Delta gastronomy, and a space for artistic residencies.

The ground level of the tower exhibits Ivan Patzaichin’s most valuable medals and distinctions, while each of the upper levels highlights key moments from Ivan’s life and career. The terrace on the top level offers a unique panorama of the nature surrounding Mila 23.

The gastronomy area presents the operating principles of a Local Gastronomic Point (PGL), a concept promoted by Ivan Patzaichin and legally recognized due to his direct contribution over a nearly 5-year period of sustained effort.

The Museum will function in Mila 23 as a hub for local development, destined to inspire similar initiatives in other communities, aiming to showcase local heritage through empowerment and instilling a sense of responsibility in the residents. Furthermore, it will remain a collaboration hub for UNESCO designations in Romania.

The Museum will be open to the public from Wednesday to Sunday, between 11:00 AM and 6:00 PM. Access will be free, but due to limited space, museum visits are made exclusively by hourly appointment, online, through Ivan’s Delta application (available for download from the Apple Store and Play Store).


More details: Teodor Frolu, vice-president Ivan Patzaichin – Mila 23 Association, 0744-624229,


The museum’s construction was funded by the European Union and the Romanian Government through POPAM 2014-2020.

The inauguration is taking place under the patronage of the National Commission of Romania for UNESCO.

Main partner: BCR.

Partners: Alpha Bank Romania, Romanian-American Foundation, Aqua Carpatica, Bosch Romania Foundation, Orange Foundation, PPC Energy, Tulcea County Council,  ASTRA Museum, Vasile Tomoiagă Association, Imuc Global Group, Addinol Lubricants Romania, TMD Pro Solutions, CTE Solution-Utilaje Specializate, Energoconstruct.

With support of: Deltaica, Domeniile Sâmburești, Ivan Pescar & Scrumbia Bar.

Media partners: Agerpres, Radio Romania, Radio Romania Actualități, Radio Romania Cultural, Radio Romania International, București FM, Radio Constanța, Radio Antena Satelor, Green Report, Igloo Media, IQAds,, Spot Media, SMARK, The Institute, Revista Zeppelin. |

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