Open Call for the creative residency “Danube Delta: Swamp Gallery”
The Ivan Patzaichin Museum – Community Innovation Center in Mila 23, Danube Delta, launches the application process for the creative residency dedicated to landscape artists, visual artists, and architects from Romania and abroad.
Bibaniada de fete – Women’s bass fishing competition in Mila 23
La Mila 23, veți descoperi pescărițe care stăpânesc arta pescuitului cu lanseta, acompaniate de alte pasionate de pescuit din toată țara, la Bibaniada – singurul concurs feminin de pescuit la biban din România.
Paul Dujardin, Commissioner Art Nouveau Year Brussels Capital Region – opening speech
Paul Dujardin, Commissioner Art Nouveau Year Brussels Capital Region – opening speech during Museum Ivan Patzaichin inauguration.
Museum Ivan Patzaichin in Mila 23 opens its doors
Starting today, the Museum Ivan Patzaichin – Community Innovation Center, is open to the public. It is located in Mila 23, in the Danube Delta, the birthplace of the great Romanian canoe champion from 1967 to 1984.