The museum is open from Wednesday to Sunday from 12:30 to 7pm.

Ivan Patzaichin Museum – Making Of

Photo credits: Mani Gutău

The Ivan Patzaichin Museum stands out not only as a new tourist attraction in the Danube Delta but also as a remarkable example of adaptation to the local architectural style and the use of natural materials.

In March 2023, construction began with the pouring of the foundation, marking the start of an exciting journey towards shaping the Museum – Community Innovation Center in Mila 23. By December, the completion of the Museum buildings highlighted sustained efforts to integrate wood, reed, clay, and hemp into this impressive structure in a sustainable manner.

The four distinct buildings that make up the museum have been meticulously designed to fulfill specific functions – an observatory-museum, a cultural center, an administrative and residential area, and a pontoon-landing area.

The symbol of the wooden boat, which accompanied Ivan Patzaichin throughout his life in various forms, dominates the spirit of the place.

We invite you to view images from the construction stages of the Ivan Patzaichin Museum in Mila 23, masterfully captured by Mani Gutău, during the building process of this new cultural space in the heart of the Danube Delta.


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